SQL Formatter

I found a pretty nice SQL Formatter yesterday. It’s an applet into which you can paste some SQL, and it breaks the SQL into multiple lines, indents it, etc.  It has a lot of options for coverting to uppercase, using pagebreaks, etc.  I haven’t had any problems using it with FireFox on Windows, but a friend had trouble using FireFox on a Mac (he didn’t have trouble with other Mac browsers).

There’s another SQL Formatter that has a smaller applet.  However it doesn’t provide nearly as many user options.  It is, however, very patriotic.

About Lance Finney

Father of two boys, Angular/TypeScript developer, Ethical Humanist, and world traveler (when I can sneak it in). Contributor to Grounded Parents.
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2 Responses to SQL Formatter

  1. Guido Thelen says:

    Hi, first many thanks for your comments about SQLFormatter. Nevertheless I would be happy to know more about the problems your friend hat with IE on Mac. I try to improve SQLFormatter, so you would help me a lot with your input

  2. Tian says:

    for your recommandant.

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